I have been going to the municipal pool once a week for the past three weeks.
Since I spend more time at the computer, I decided to go to get some exercise.
Today, after changing my clothes, I realized I had forgotten my towel and had to return home without getting into the pool, but a woman approached me in the changing room and asked, “Are you eating properly? What are you eating?”
She seemed to be at the pool to lose weight.
I said, “I like pasta and hamburgers, and I eat everything, but basically I only eat one or two meals a day. What about you?”
She said, “I eat three to four meals a day…I’m trying to lose weight, but it’s not easy. What do you do? How old are you?
From the few questions she asked me, it seemed that she was looking for a way to lose weight.
She seemed to doubt that one or two meals a day would give her the energy to live, so I told her, “Instead, I drink coffee with lots of sugar in it. And it’s a good way to do this when you don’t have time to eat.”
I wasn’t fat to begin with, but I remembered that when I went swimming, I used to put a lot of effort into making my stomach area look smaller until I got inside the pool.
Also, when I was interested in vegetarian things like macrobiotics, I was so preoccupied with what to eat that I cut back on my sugar intake (with the exception of maple syrup, LOL).
But when I came across the RAPT blog, I learned that the extream health conscious idea came from Satanist ideology, and I also learned that “sugar is bad for you (but somehow maple syrup is good…)” is brainwashing by the Illuminati.
〇I was freed from the Illuminati brainwashing that “sugar is bad for you” by the RAPT blog and became really healthy (Testimony of KAWATA-san). RAPTブログによって「砂糖は体に悪い」というイルミナティの洗脳から解放され、本当に健康になった(十二弟子・KAWATAさんの証) | RAPT理論+α (rapt-plusalpha.com)
〇Super simple health method found from RAPT theory, shoulder stiffness improvement & rejuvenation & weight loss (Testimony of Mina-san). RAPT理論から分かった超シンプル健康法、肩こり改善&若返り&ダイエット(十二弟子・ミナさんの証) | RAPT理論+α (rapt-plusalpha.com)
After that, I did not worry excessively about what I ate, and avoided as much as possible food chemical seasonings and other things that were obviously bad.
Since I began to live a life of faith, listening and following the Word that Rapt-san conveyed, I have not wasted money or time on supplements or other unnecessary things, and I am able to lead a simple and healthy life, and I feel the importance of spending time on spiritual matters on a daily basis.
I have written before about how a woman of the Jehovah’s Witnesses try to use the making of sugar-free sweets to recruit me, and how sorry I am to see that right-leaning people who could understand the dangers of vaccines believe that avoiding sugar is a good way to live.
They believe that alternative ideas that come from Satanism are the correct information, that the Corona travesty is a conspiracy created by the US, and they live with the pain of not finding the right answers while being misled by this information.
〇 “From a life of worshipping the devil and destroying your life to a life of worshipping God and making your life happy.”
There is a Canadian natural remedy called “Maple Syrup + Baking Soda”, and I can’t help but hope that the RAPT theory will really reach everyone because of the viciousness of the many lies based on the Illuminati’s war of interest.
The Corona and Ukraine invasion farce that is still going on, I hope that the Illuminati mastermind, the Chinese Communist Party, has been hiding well, and at the same time, I hope that the world will see that there is only truth in the RAPT theory.
〇”Canada has already been taken over by the CCP. Prime Minister Trudeau is most likely a CCP member.” カナダも既に中国共産党に乗っ取られている トルドー首相も中国共産党員である可能性大 | RAPT理論+α (rapt-plusalpha.com)

#公園散歩 #公園フォト #賛美歌 #ダイエット #健康法 #痩せたい #マクロビ #カナダ生活 #hymn #砂糖不使用 #sugarfree #自然療法 #花の写真 #コロナ #英語の勉強 #nihongo #learnenglish #covid_19 #endtime