When I came across the RAPT blog, I learned about the importance of developing one’s individuality and talents, and was taught that by actually making an effort to develop them, one’s life can change drastically and lead a truly happy life.
I used to take lessons from time to time, but the purpose was to fill the emptiness I felt in my life in Tokyo, where all I did was work.
Just because I learned something doesn’t mean I can make a living from it, I thought.
So, I have not put much effort into developing my own individuality and talents, let alone finding them.
But RAPT-san taught us firsthand that it is only when you put your life into developing your individuality and talents for decades and years that you can finally make a name for yourself in your field and live a truly happy life.
He also taught us that God created all human beings to be born with ‘individuality’ and created them with ‘talents’ according to their individuality.
When I found out about it, I was filled with joy, “I always wanted to live like that”.
🌸”Everyone in this world is a king of “individuality”. RAPT有料記事59 (2016年4月16日)この世の誰もが「個性」の王様だ。 (rapt-neo.com) (Japanese)
Until now, our society has been a system where only the children of the Illuminati can profit from it, but with their internal struggle becoming more intense day by day, I am happy to think that from now on, there will be more opportunities for us ordinary people to show our individuality and talents.
I hope that the RAPT blog will reach people all over the world and that many people will be able to live a happy life by developing their own individuality and talents.
The articles presented below are written in Japanese. You can use translation software such as this one.
🌸【Testimony of Kawata-san】The Best Life I have Learnt from RAPT’s Way of Life, Finding my Individuality and Developing my Talents.RAPTさんの生き方から学んだ、自分の個性を見付け出し、才能を伸ばして生きるという最高の人生(十二弟子・KAWATAさんの証)
🌸【Testimony of Nana-san】A Fruit of Love with God, Created by Individuality and Talent 個性と才能で生み出す、神様との愛の結晶(十二弟子・NANAさんの証)
🌸【Testimony of Erica-san】The Illuminati are constantly rebelling against God with the Bible in mind! How to put an end to the rule of the wicked. イルミナティは常に聖書を意識して神様に反逆している!悪人の支配に終止符を打つ方法とは(十二弟子・エリカさんの証)
🌸Bible Reading Recommendations. Read the Bible to Become Competent.聖書朗読のススメ。聖書を読めば有能になる。
🌸RAPT x Reader Dialogue Towards a Society that Produces Unique and Talented People. RAPT×読者対談〈第123弾〉個性豊かな才能あふれる人々を生み出す社会へ。