I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.

To the Completed Testament Age With RAPT Blog

Happy New Year 2023! It is truly a wonderful moment for Christians, not only to welcome the New Year, but also to enter a new age of the completed Testament. I was born in Japan, so I never thought I would become a Christian. Until I came across the RAPT blog, I did not know that there was truth in the world or that this truth was found in the Bible. And now it has been almost 4 years since I became a Christian. During that time, there was the COVID-19 pandemic, but I didn’t worry about anything and just followed the Word that RAPT-san was proclaiming. As RAPT-san predicted, …

Why Did God Tear the Language Apart?

I feel that it is interesting to compare different versions of scripture in English, so that we can better understand its meaning. It also gives us a glimpse of the sense of the times and the level of knowledge at that time, which seems to indicate how far our spirits can grow. The dynamic we see in the changes in language. The time when we realize the heart of God who took the language apart… 🟠 The Artificial Language Esperanto Is the Common Language of Satanists. RAPT | 人工言語エスペラントは悪魔崇拝者たちの共通言語である。 (rapt-neo.com) The biblical passage presented in the above article gives us a glimpse into the heart of God who has broken …

“If you don’t understand religion, you don’t even understand science.”

The law written in the Bible seems invisible, but it is always around us. By studying and practicing the Word in the Bible, the Word that Rapt-san proclaims, that invisible law becomes the Word of God, the heavenly way, for all things visible. * I would like to share a testimony from the link below: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChDGFuhPKSz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link * RAPT Paid Article 279 (May 26, 2018) Those who lived a hellish life on earth will live a hellish life in the spirit world after death, and those who lived a heavenly life on earth will live a heavenly life in the spirit world after death. “Parents die in childhood, parents divorce.”“School children …

“Everyone in This World is a King of “Individuality”, a Gift or Talent Designed and Uniquely Assigned by God.

When I came across the RAPT blog, I learned about the importance of developing one’s individuality and talents, and was taught that by actually making an effort to develop them, one’s life can change drastically and lead a truly happy life. I used to take lessons from time to time, but the purpose was to fill the emptiness I felt in my life in Tokyo, where all I did was work. 🌸Moving abroad will not save you. If you change yourself, you will be happy no matter where you are. | Sugarbush Style Just because I learned something doesn’t mean I can make a living from it, I thought. So, …

The RAPT blog taught me that roughly all of the suffering in my heart comes from my sin and how to deal with it.

I was quite surprised when I came across the RAPT blog and learned that I had been living my whole life brainwashed into believing that there is no God, but perhaps even more shocking was when I learned about the spiritual entity called Satan and how they are negatively influencing human lives. Satan and the Illuminati (human Satan)were trying to keep us humans away from God and drown us in all kinds of sin. When something bad happens to us, we often harbor feelings of anger, jealousy, etc. and hold on to those negative emotions. Naturally, our hearts suffer when we hold on to those negative emotions, but we do …

How to Survive the “End Times” from the Corona Pandemic and All Life’s Sufferings

Could it be a good listening practice for those studying Japanese? This is the eighth “Bible reading” idea that has popped into my head since the start of the New Year, and this time I would like to introduce the book of Daniel 12. In Daniel 12, there is a description of the “end times” foretold by the prophet Daniel. The following is from “The Time of the End” Daniel 12:1-4 At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your …

Only by Praying from the Heart can we Free ourselves from all Illuminati Brainwashing and become Free.

Ever since I came across the RAPT blog and learned that Satan and the Illuminati rule this world and that God exists, I have been able to see many things about how the world works and the cause and effect relationships that I had never noticed before. The power struggle of the Illuminati is intensifying daily, as evidenced by the growing pressure to force vaccinations, especially in Canada. It is rumored that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have gone into hiding due to the recent massive protests by truck drivers to abolish mandatory vaccination. 【カナダ】大型トラックドライバーたちの大規模デモ中に、トルドー首相が逃亡! コロナ感染者と濃厚接触したとして隔離生活へ We get so caught up in what is happening in the “visible” world that …

By Changing your Thoughts, you will be on the Path to Peace, to Blessing.

As the Corona fiasco drags on, I am grateful every day for the miracle that I am able to stay in a state of peace in my heart while the wavelength of anger of the people around me grows stronger day by day. It’s all because of the RAPT blog, which has helped me realize the importance of changing myself = changing my “thoughts”. When I listen to the conversations of the people around me, I feel that they suffer from a very strong sense of “I am right”. “I am right”, but the government (left) is wrong. The people who believe what the government says are wrong. Isn’t the …

The World is Full of False Health Information. – There was No Cancer, No Nuclear and No Radiation.

Like many people, I have lived my life thinking that I would have to make my own way in life. No matter how many problems I encountered and how much pain I went through, no matter who I consulted, there was no one who could understand my situation or my state of mind and show me the right path. Even my mother’s treatment at the time of her hospitalization was not done with complete understanding and conviction, and in a world where it is considered common sense to trust doctors and leave the treatment to them because it is natural for people not to understand medical matters. Even so, I …

‘Love the Lord your God with all your Heart and with all your Soul and with all your Mind.’ is the First and Greatest Commandment for True Freedom.

The following is from my Instagram (in Japanese). Two days ago, at dawn, I suddenly thought of something. It was when my mother was first admitted to the hospital and her doctor told her that if she didn’t receive any treatment, her life expectancy would be one month, so I flew home the next day. I flew back home the next day and went to the hospital where my mother was staying. I went to the hospital every day and spent a month trying to cheer her up, thinking of things that would make her happy. I spent many nights researching, doing housework, and taking better care of myself so …