I was quite surprised when I came across the RAPT blog and learned that I had been living my whole life brainwashed into believing that there is no God, but perhaps even more shocking was when I learned about the spiritual entity called Satan and how they are negatively influencing human lives.
Satan and the Illuminati (human Satan)were trying to keep us humans away from God and drown us in all kinds of sin.
When something bad happens to us, we often harbor feelings of anger, jealousy, etc. and hold on to those negative emotions.
Naturally, our hearts suffer when we hold on to those negative emotions, but we do not know how to free ourselves from that suffering.
I also thought that I would never be free from mental suffering, so in a way, having negative emotions had become a daily habit.
But after I came across the RAPT blog and started living according to the Word, I learned that there is a way to get rid of the suffering of the mind.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Almost all of the suffering of the heart stems from one’s own sin. Therefore, do not always blame others or your environment for the suffering of your heart, but acknowledge that it is caused by your own sin and repent with a broken heart. – RAPT Morning Prayer
*Reference Scripture, Galatians 5:19-23.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law
Sin may sound like a big crime from the sound of the word, but now that I know that sin in the Bible is also emotions that I took for granted in this way, I can think of any time my heart is troubled as an opportunity to recognize sin, look for its cause, and repent to keep my peace of mind.
I am now able to maintain peace of mind by looking for the cause of the sin and repenting. I never thought I would be able to live with such peace of mind.
In this day and age, there are many things that are mentally painful, but the reason we suffer is because we don’t know the answers to solve the problems, and if we know the answers and can deal with them, we can get rid of the suffering.
I found all the answers, including how to deal with such problems that arise in life, in the Word that RAPT-san conveys.
That Word, filled with God’s truth and love to save mankind from Satan’s brainwashing, contains many things necessary to live a truly happy life, as the Twelve Disciples testify daily.
〇There is no more futile and wasted time than being depressed! After encountering the RAPT blog, I am always positive and ready to take on new challenges (testimony of NANA, one of the Twelve Disciples).落ち込んでいる時間ほど、無益で無駄な時間はない! RAPTブログとの出会いによって、常に前向きに新しいことにチャレンジできるようになった(十二弟子・NANAさんの証)
Since the Corona travesty happened, life has been difficult for many people, but thanks to the spiritual warfare I have learned from the RAPT blog, I am at peace from beginning of it.
This is despite the fact that my financial situation is not good.
An acquaintance of mine who is successful in business and has more than enough money did not take a financial hit when Corona was enacted, in fact, his sales increased at first, but as a result of taking the trendy conspiracy theories as correct information, he became a different person, blaming Canada, politicians, and anyone who listens to them.
By continuing to listen to information that has the “anger-provoking” nature of conspiracy theories, they have become half-psychopaths, but of course they are unaware of this.
Even sins that are normal to you may appear abnormal to those around you, and you may be swept away by them. Therefore, repent of your sins according to God’s standard, not your own.
When I see situations like this, I am painfully reminded that truth and true love really are everything.
May God’s Word of love and truth reach the world and may many people lead truly meaningful lives.
〇【Testimony of NANA-san】Live according to the Word, and the relationships between men and women, be they husband and wife, friends, or at work, will always work out!御言葉通りに生きれば、男と女の関係が、夫婦であれ、友人であれ、職場であれ、必ずうまくいく!(十二弟子・NANAさんの証)
〇【Testimony Mina】Only the RAPT theory set me apart from other conspiracy theories and freed me from the brainwashing of the Illuminati.RAPT理論だけが他の陰謀論とは一線を画し、私をイルミナティの洗脳から解放してくれた(十二弟子・ミナさんの証)
〇【Testimony of KAWATA-san】RAPT theory is a great treasure that God has given to mankind.RAPT理論は神様が人類に与えてくださった大きな宝(十二弟子・KAWATAさんの証)
〇【Testimony of Erica】The tremendous power of Mr. RAPT, who has revealed that the Chinese Communist Party is the “Great Babylon” described in the Book of Revelation and is leading humanity to salvation everywhere中国共産党こそ黙示録に書かれた「大バビロン」であることを暴き、人類をどこまでも救いへと導いてくださっているRAPTさんの凄まじい力(十二弟子・エリカさんの証) | RAPT理論+α (rapt-plusalpha.com)