The following is from my Instagram (in Japanese).
Two days ago, at dawn, I suddenly thought of something.
It was when my mother was first admitted to the hospital and her doctor told her that if she didn’t receive any treatment, her life expectancy would be one month, so I flew home the next day.
I flew back home the next day and went to the hospital where my mother was staying.
I went to the hospital every day and spent a month trying to cheer her up, thinking of things that would make her happy.
I spent many nights researching, doing housework, and taking better care of myself so that I could go to the hospital.
After a month, my mother was allowed to leave the hospital temporarily, and we all the family members stayed at home from Friday until Sunday night.
When my mother returned to the hospital on Sunday night, there were other patients in the room, but I was crying like a child because she had survived for a month.
My mother was surprised to see me like that, but she said she would do her best to live in the hospital again.
Many years have passed since then, and recently, because of the corona fiasco, I have not often thought of my mother who had already passed away, so I was wondering why I was suddenly reminded of this time.
Then I thought.
“I must try to do what is pleasing to God (the salvation of others) with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind, as I did with my mother.”
I think that’s what He wanted to tell me.
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” – Matthew 22:34-40
Since the beginning of last month, when I heard the Word through Rapt-san, “When you see injustice in the world, report it immediately to the Lord and ask Him to pray for you that He will justify them,” I have been praying that I would be given someone to pray with me about the injustice in Canada, and if possible, to lead that person to the Word.
When I wrote about the introduction of the vaccine passport in yesterday’s post, I received a nice comments from sisters saying that they would pray for Canada as well, and I was reminded again that my brothers and sisters are always praying for us.
I am so grateful to God for giving us this opportunity to connect and encourage each other on Instagram, and to Rapt-san for risking his life to share God’s Word with us.
While having our wishes fulfilled in this way, at this time when the times are changing, may we all, together with our brothers and sisters, become those who cling to the Lord in constant prayer, and let as many people as possible be freed from suffering.
I would like to pray more for people all over the world.
“Everyone can Change the World.” – by Rapt Blog | Sugarbush Style
“Amazing how Bible prophecies are coming true today!” | Sugarbush Style
●By hanging on to God and praying for Him, we can do His will powerfully and have victory over Satan.
神様にすがりついて祈り求めることで、神様の御心を力強く行うことができ、サタンに勝利することができた!(十二弟子・NANAさんの証) | RAPT理論のさらなる進化形 (rapt-plusalpha.com)