I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.

“Sugar Is Bad for You” Was a Big Lie.

I’ve been back from Canada for a few months now, and what do I miss? It’s sweet donuts! I have noticed that my eyes have been drawn to donuts more often since I came back from Canada. So recently, I have been enjoying coffee time at home while having my favorite donuts. I think it is partly because they look cute and catch my attention, but it may also be that my body is craving for sugar. But Japanese sweets are not sweet at all💦. I guess in a way it is important for Japanese sweets not to be sweet…. It is true that some foreign sweets are too sweet …

To the Completed Testament Age With RAPT Blog

Happy New Year 2023! It is truly a wonderful moment for Christians, not only to welcome the New Year, but also to enter a new age of the completed Testament. I was born in Japan, so I never thought I would become a Christian. Until I came across the RAPT blog, I did not know that there was truth in the world or that this truth was found in the Bible. And now it has been almost 4 years since I became a Christian. During that time, there was the COVID-19 pandemic, but I didn’t worry about anything and just followed the Word that RAPT-san was proclaiming. As RAPT-san predicted, …

Christmas in Japan Has Nothing to Do With Jesus Christ and Is All About the Creation of the Illuminati.

From my Instagram post (@sugarbsplus) with this photo posted on December 19th, 2022 : The day before yesterday, during my evening walk, I suddenly had an idea and went to Minato-Mirai. This is a familiar place to me, but if I recall, I don’t remember taking a walk along the seaside on my way home from work, and if I did stop somewhere, it was either for shopping or to meet with friends. I didn’t like being alone at that time. Especially in December, the whole town would be in a Christmas mood and the lights would create a glamorous image, but I felt suffocated… I can see that I …

Why Did God Tear the Language Apart?

I feel that it is interesting to compare different versions of scripture in English, so that we can better understand its meaning. It also gives us a glimpse of the sense of the times and the level of knowledge at that time, which seems to indicate how far our spirits can grow. The dynamic we see in the changes in language. The time when we realize the heart of God who took the language apart… 🟠 The Artificial Language Esperanto Is the Common Language of Satanists. RAPT | 人工言語エスペラントは悪魔崇拝者たちの共通言語である。 (rapt-neo.com) The biblical passage presented in the above article gives us a glimpse into the heart of God who has broken …

The “RAPT Blog” is an Accurate and Specific Elucidation of the Spirit World and the Afterlife.

『God』or『Money』 “You cannot serve both God and money.” What is the the meaning behind this scripture? I posted a video on Youtube on this subject based on the RAPT blog. “Money” here refers to earthly things (wealth, honor, romance, relationships, etc…) and can also be paraphrased as “temptations of the devil.” As can be seen from this classification of English words, people have been brainwashed to believe that there is no God, have loved and sought “Money” and lived an empty life for immediate pleasure without knowing true love and happiness. Without knowing this truth, we have lived our lives away from true love without fulfilling the original purpose for …

“If you don’t understand religion, you don’t even understand science.”

The law written in the Bible seems invisible, but it is always around us. By studying and practicing the Word in the Bible, the Word that Rapt-san proclaims, that invisible law becomes the Word of God, the heavenly way, for all things visible. * I would like to share a testimony from the link below: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChDGFuhPKSz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link * RAPT Paid Article 279 (May 26, 2018) Those who lived a hellish life on earth will live a hellish life in the spirit world after death, and those who lived a heavenly life on earth will live a heavenly life in the spirit world after death. “Parents die in childhood, parents divorce.”“School children …

Both “True Love” and “True Freedom” Can Only Be Obtained By Winning the Spiritual Battle.

Florida Governor DeSantis, considered one of the Republican candidates for the 2024 presidential election, has positioned himself as Trump’s successor. It is clear to the reader of RAPT理論+α (rapt-plusalpha.com), the news site based on the RAPT theory that DeSantis is one of the Illuminati who mislead with only a handful of truths (ex. Corona lies). Note: The Rapt theory, like the Bible, was written under the inspiration of God and is a new study that brilliantly reveals the workings of this world created by the Illuminati (Satanist Jews). https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce2qe49u_MM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 〇Florida Governor: “We must end the Corona Theater. If you want to wear a mask, that’s fine, but it’s ridiculous,” he …

With the “Power of Truth” and a “Life of Faith,” I Naturally Became Healthy and Slim without Trying to Lose Weight!

I have been going to the municipal pool once a week for the past three weeks. Since I spend more time at the computer, I decided to go to get some exercise. Today, after changing my clothes, I realized I had forgotten my towel and had to return home without getting into the pool, but a woman approached me in the changing room and asked, “Are you eating properly? What are you eating?” She seemed to be at the pool to lose weight. I said, “I like pasta and hamburgers, and I eat everything, but basically I only eat one or two meals a day. What about you?” She said, …

“Everyone in This World is a King of “Individuality”, a Gift or Talent Designed and Uniquely Assigned by God.

When I came across the RAPT blog, I learned about the importance of developing one’s individuality and talents, and was taught that by actually making an effort to develop them, one’s life can change drastically and lead a truly happy life. I used to take lessons from time to time, but the purpose was to fill the emptiness I felt in my life in Tokyo, where all I did was work. 🌸Moving abroad will not save you. If you change yourself, you will be happy no matter where you are. | Sugarbush Style Just because I learned something doesn’t mean I can make a living from it, I thought. So, …

The RAPT blog taught me that roughly all of the suffering in my heart comes from my sin and how to deal with it.

I was quite surprised when I came across the RAPT blog and learned that I had been living my whole life brainwashed into believing that there is no God, but perhaps even more shocking was when I learned about the spiritual entity called Satan and how they are negatively influencing human lives. Satan and the Illuminati (human Satan)were trying to keep us humans away from God and drown us in all kinds of sin. When something bad happens to us, we often harbor feelings of anger, jealousy, etc. and hold on to those negative emotions. Naturally, our hearts suffer when we hold on to those negative emotions, but we do …