I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.

Both “True Love” and “True Freedom” Can Only Be Obtained By Winning the Spiritual Battle.

Florida Governor DeSantis, considered one of the Republican candidates for the 2024 presidential election, has positioned himself as Trump’s successor. It is clear to the reader of RAPT理論+α (rapt-plusalpha.com), the news site based on the RAPT theory that DeSantis is one of the Illuminati who mislead with only a handful of truths (ex. Corona lies). Note: The Rapt theory, like the Bible, was written under the inspiration of God and is a new study that brilliantly reveals the workings of this world created by the Illuminati (Satanist Jews). https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce2qe49u_MM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 〇Florida Governor: “We must end the Corona Theater. If you want to wear a mask, that’s fine, but it’s ridiculous,” he …

Only by Praying from the Heart can we Free ourselves from all Illuminati Brainwashing and become Free.

Ever since I came across the RAPT blog and learned that Satan and the Illuminati rule this world and that God exists, I have been able to see many things about how the world works and the cause and effect relationships that I had never noticed before. The power struggle of the Illuminati is intensifying daily, as evidenced by the growing pressure to force vaccinations, especially in Canada. It is rumored that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have gone into hiding due to the recent massive protests by truck drivers to abolish mandatory vaccination. 【カナダ】大型トラックドライバーたちの大規模デモ中に、トルドー首相が逃亡! コロナ感染者と濃厚接触したとして隔離生活へ We get so caught up in what is happening in the “visible” world that …

Develop a disposition to do everything to the best of your ability and live a truthful and fulfilling life.

The introduction of the vaccine passport has begun in Canada. Immediately, there have been conflicts between the non-vaccinated people, who know the dangers of vaccines, and police officers, shopping mall security guards and others, and there are several videos of the debate on the Internet. The world is becoming more and more chaotic and bleak, with all sorts of negative wavelengths flying around – wavelengths of fear of Corona, wavelengths of uncertainty about the future, wavelengths of anger from people who know Corona is false. ●What is Corona? ‘Graphene oxide’ is the culprit behind corona symptoms and vaccine side effects.【コロナの正体】「酸化グラフェン」がコロナの症状とワクチンの副作用を生み出す犯人だった | RAPT理論のさらなる進化形 (rapt-plusalpha.com) In the midst of all this, I …

“Amazing how Bible prophecies are coming true today!”

In major cities around the world, there were protests against mandatory vaccines and passports this weekend. I see a situation where information is so polarized that we need to know the truth more than ever. The North American conspiracy theories about the risks of vaccines are good to know, but I feel that they do not cover the whole fraud situation. Some of them believe that they will need guns to protect themselves from a leftist government that is pushing for vaccines and compulsory passports. And all this, they say, has happened because men have become weaker. But I think it misses the most important thing for us human beings …

I am happy to have found a way to become the person I wanted to be.

Thanks to the RAPT Blog (rapt-neo.com), I am happy to have found a way to become the person I wanted to be. When I was working in Tokyo, I worked from morning till late at night every day. Objectively speaking, it was a lot of work, but I began to feel that my lack of concentration was the reason why I had to work so late, because I always felt like I was forgetting something at work and was always worried about it. And I think I was nervous about going to sleep because I was exhausted every day, both physically and mentally, and needed to get some sleep to …

The truth is not to be found on the right or the left, but on the straight path that leads the feet away from evil.

I saw an Instagram advertisement recently from Shoppers Drug Mart said “Moderna COVID-19 vaccines* available for individuals 18+: Walk-ins accepted.” and felt that there is something going on. And I found this article. Pharmacists scramble to use leftover Moderna doses before expiry *** Extracted from the above; “People are sort of fixated on Pfizer,” said Jordan Clark, owner of a Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacy in Ottawa’s west end. Clark said many people continue to be uncomfortable with the idea of dose mixing between Pfizer and Moderna, despite guidance from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) which says it’s safe to combine the mRNA vaccines.” *** Why people are sort of fixated on Pfizer? Probably …