I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.
Day: <span>9 September 2021</span>
Day: 9 September 2021

“How to live a life filled with peace and hope, without getting upset no matter what happens” (testimony of Erica, one of the Twelve Disciples)

Today, I would like to share with you a testimony written by Erica, one of the twelve disciples working with RAPT. RAPT has been revealing and unraveling the mysteries of slavery in this day and age, which has been created by the Illuminati, using the truth in God’s Word, the Bible. What is Illuminati? Find the following article. ●Some objective facts that support that the Illuminati are trying to establish a NWO centered on the Emperor. Before I came across the Rapt blog, I started a health movement when my mother was hospitalized for treatment of leukemia. I learned macrobiotic diet, did yoga occasionally, and bought organic and natural foods, …