I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.

Why Did God Tear the Language Apart?

I feel that it is interesting to compare different versions of scripture in English, so that we can better understand its meaning. It also gives us a glimpse of the sense of the times and the level of knowledge at that time, which seems to indicate how far our spirits can grow. The dynamic we see in the changes in language. The time when we realize the heart of God who took the language apart… 🟠 The Artificial Language Esperanto Is the Common Language of Satanists. RAPT | 人工言語エスペラントは悪魔崇拝者たちの共通言語である。 (rapt-neo.com) The biblical passage presented in the above article gives us a glimpse into the heart of God who has broken …

The secret of the “Spirit World”. The “Common Sense” of this world is far from the “Truth”.

The days are gradually getting shorter and goods with autumn-like flowers and colors are beginning to appear in stores. We can feel the end of summer. I am grateful to have found the truth and love of God that the Illuminati Satanists have been hiding from us through my encounter with the RAPT blog. And I have witnessed the reality of what RAPT-san has proclaimed in the Word of God has actually happened. It is heartbreaking to realize that what has been considered common sense is so far from the truth that many people do not understand it and do not realize that they are suffering. The original purpose of …

“If you don’t understand religion, you don’t even understand science.”

The law written in the Bible seems invisible, but it is always around us. By studying and practicing the Word in the Bible, the Word that Rapt-san proclaims, that invisible law becomes the Word of God, the heavenly way, for all things visible. * I would like to share a testimony from the link below: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChDGFuhPKSz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link * RAPT Paid Article 279 (May 26, 2018) Those who lived a hellish life on earth will live a hellish life in the spirit world after death, and those who lived a heavenly life on earth will live a heavenly life in the spirit world after death. “Parents die in childhood, parents divorce.”“School children …

With the “Power of Truth” and a “Life of Faith,” I Naturally Became Healthy and Slim without Trying to Lose Weight!

I have been going to the municipal pool once a week for the past three weeks. Since I spend more time at the computer, I decided to go to get some exercise. Today, after changing my clothes, I realized I had forgotten my towel and had to return home without getting into the pool, but a woman approached me in the changing room and asked, “Are you eating properly? What are you eating?” She seemed to be at the pool to lose weight. I said, “I like pasta and hamburgers, and I eat everything, but basically I only eat one or two meals a day. What about you?” She said, …

Only by Praying from the Heart can we Free ourselves from all Illuminati Brainwashing and become Free.

Ever since I came across the RAPT blog and learned that Satan and the Illuminati rule this world and that God exists, I have been able to see many things about how the world works and the cause and effect relationships that I had never noticed before. The power struggle of the Illuminati is intensifying daily, as evidenced by the growing pressure to force vaccinations, especially in Canada. It is rumored that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have gone into hiding due to the recent massive protests by truck drivers to abolish mandatory vaccination. 【カナダ】大型トラックドライバーたちの大規模デモ中に、トルドー首相が逃亡! コロナ感染者と濃厚接触したとして隔離生活へ We get so caught up in what is happening in the “visible” world that …

Canada Is Now the World’s Leader in Vaccination.

As of October 30, the mandatory vaccination of air and rail passengers departing from Canada has been announced. It applies to all passengers, regardless of the nationality of the aircraft or the destination of the aircraft, departing from any airport in the country. ---------------- (From an email from the Consulate-General of Japan, translated from Japanese to English by DeepL.) On 6 October, the Canadian federal government announced that, as of 30 October, all federally regulated aviation, rail and maritime operators will be required to vaccinate their employees. In addition, as of October 30, passengers on airplanes departing from Canadian airports, VIA Rail and Rocky Mountain Rail will be required to …

“How to live a life filled with peace and hope, without getting upset no matter what happens” (testimony of Erica, one of the Twelve Disciples)

Today, I would like to share with you a testimony written by Erica, one of the twelve disciples working with RAPT. RAPT has been revealing and unraveling the mysteries of slavery in this day and age, which has been created by the Illuminati, using the truth in God’s Word, the Bible. What is Illuminati? Find the following article. ●Some objective facts that support that the Illuminati are trying to establish a NWO centered on the Emperor. Before I came across the Rapt blog, I started a health movement when my mother was hospitalized for treatment of leukemia. I learned macrobiotic diet, did yoga occasionally, and bought organic and natural foods, …

“God divides the world into good and evil, and the devil tries to unite the world.”

“You cannot be perfect.” “You don’t have to be perfect.” One of my friends who grew up in a Christian home told me these phrases that she learned from a priest when she was a child. And when she told me about it, she looked reluctant, as if to say that life is like that. I was shocked, but I understood that this is how the Satanists destroyed Christianity. Christianity was destroyed from within by Satanists. More about its history The Vatican is a centre of Satanism The Satanists who call themselves the Illuminati have created an internal organization within Freemasonry to practice Satanism while posing as devout Christians. The …

“Everyone can Change the World.” – by Rapt Blog

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started last year, our lives have been affected in different ways. Some people lost their jobs, others actually got busier at work or were not affected much except for working from home. In any case, I feel that the greatest risk associated with the pandemic is the fear directed at those who fear the coronavirus. Because of their fear, many of them have been vaccinated as encouraged by the government, without questioning the safety of the vaccine. On the other hand, those who know that the pandemic is a scam and that the reason the governments want us to take vaccines is to reduce the population …