I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.
Rapt Blog
Rapt Blog

“Trump is not a Hero” – The Beginning of our Liberation from the Brainwashing Created by Satan through the Illuminati.

In my recent Instagram post, I wrote about a friend’s son who was thinking about getting vaccinated. As I listened to him talk about it as if he wanted me to agree with him, I was reminded of the way my heart used to be before I found the Word of God from RAPT Blog, and for the first time in a long time I felt pain. The pain reminded me of how anxious people are about the future and how they live in conflict with each other in the midst of so much false information. The father of this son knows the dangers of vaccines, so he doesn’t get …

A Life of True Freedom and Salvation, Armed with Love and Truth.

There was a time when I used to visit LOHAS events because I was attracted by the sound of the word “natural”. From: LOHAS – Wikipedia The marketplace includes goods and services such as: Organic and locally grown food Organic and natural personal care products Hybrid and electric cars as well as city bicycles Green and sustainable building Sustainable or Ecotourism Energy efficient electronics/appliances Socially responsible investing Natural household products (paper goods and cleaning products) Complementary, alternative and preventive medicine (Naturopathy, Chinese medicine, etc.) Fair trade products Literature in the Mind/Body/Soul, Holistic Health, and New Age genres * At the same time, I was reading health information on the internet and wandering around, confused, looking for the right …

The Connection between Trump, KonMari, Shintoism, New Age Spirituality and Satanism. How the World is Ruled by the Illuminati and their Children.

The Corona pandemic that began in 2020 has revealed much about the fraudulent system created by the Illuminati. However, I feel that the Illuminati’s top secret is still not clear to most people, including those who know that the COVID-19 vaccine is super toxic and should never be ingested. ●What is Corona? ‘Graphene oxide’ is the culprit behind corona symptoms and vaccine side effects.【コロナの正体】「酸化グラフェン」がコロナの症状とワクチンの副作用を生み出す犯人だった | RAPT理論のさらなる進化形 (rapt-plusalpha.com) They blame the vaccine-induced genocide on left-wing figures like Bill Gates and Biden, but they don’t see the contradiction in the right-wing ideology of Trump. I was one of them, but two and a half years ago I came across Rapt blog and …

“How to live a life filled with peace and hope, without getting upset no matter what happens” (testimony of Erica, one of the Twelve Disciples)

Today, I would like to share with you a testimony written by Erica, one of the twelve disciples working with RAPT. RAPT has been revealing and unraveling the mysteries of slavery in this day and age, which has been created by the Illuminati, using the truth in God’s Word, the Bible. What is Illuminati? Find the following article. ●Some objective facts that support that the Illuminati are trying to establish a NWO centered on the Emperor. Before I came across the Rapt blog, I started a health movement when my mother was hospitalized for treatment of leukemia. I learned macrobiotic diet, did yoga occasionally, and bought organic and natural foods, …

Spirits do exist in this world. However, people do not know how to deal with spiritual things.

Whether we feel it or not, everyone lives under the influence of spirits all the time, to a greater or lesser extent. Some people who are sensitive to spirits suffer from feeling the influence of spirits, but do not know what to do about it. I am not that sensitive to spirits, but when I was in school, many times I felt as if I was tied down when I was sleeping after studying late at night for a test. I don’t know if “bound” is the right word to describe it, but what I was feeling was spiritual that I couldn’t see. And the last time I felt it …

The Vatican is not a Christian organization, but a Satanic organization

The Vatican released information on its real estate holdings for the first time, revealing it owns more than 5,000 properties such as 4,051 properties in Italy, 1,120 abroad as part of its most detailed financial disclosures ever. The trial of a landmark fraud case against 10 people, including a cardinal, began Tuesday in Vatican City. [Satanic cult to be brought to justice] Vatican Cardinal and 10 Others Charged with Extortion, Corruption, Fraud, Forgery, Embezzlement, Abuse of Authority The charges include extortion, corruption, fraud, forgery, embezzlement and abuse of authority. According to Vatican News, Cardinal Becciu, who is accused of embezzlement, abuse of authority and corruption, misused Vatican public funds to …

“God divides the world into good and evil, and the devil tries to unite the world.”

“You cannot be perfect.” “You don’t have to be perfect.” One of my friends who grew up in a Christian home told me these phrases that she learned from a priest when she was a child. And when she told me about it, she looked reluctant, as if to say that life is like that. I was shocked, but I understood that this is how the Satanists destroyed Christianity. Christianity was destroyed from within by Satanists. More about its history The Vatican is a centre of Satanism The Satanists who call themselves the Illuminati have created an internal organization within Freemasonry to practice Satanism while posing as devout Christians. The …

“Everyone can Change the World.” – by Rapt Blog

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started last year, our lives have been affected in different ways. Some people lost their jobs, others actually got busier at work or were not affected much except for working from home. In any case, I feel that the greatest risk associated with the pandemic is the fear directed at those who fear the coronavirus. Because of their fear, many of them have been vaccinated as encouraged by the government, without questioning the safety of the vaccine. On the other hand, those who know that the pandemic is a scam and that the reason the governments want us to take vaccines is to reduce the population …