I want to share the joy of finding the answers to the questions I've been searching for my whole life.

The secret of the “Spirit World”. The “Common Sense” of this world is far from the “Truth”.

The days are gradually getting shorter and goods with autumn-like flowers and colors are beginning to appear in stores. We can feel the end of summer. I am grateful to have found the truth and love of God that the Illuminati Satanists have been hiding from us through my encounter with the RAPT blog. And I have witnessed the reality of what RAPT-san has proclaimed in the Word of God has actually happened. It is heartbreaking to realize that what has been considered common sense is so far from the truth that many people do not understand it and do not realize that they are suffering. The original purpose of …

How to Fundamentally Destroy Satanists. It Starts With Knowing the Secrets of the “Spiritual World”.

RAPT | 悪魔崇拝者を根本的に滅ぼし尽くす方法。それは「霊界」の奥義を知ることから始まります。 (rapt-neo.com) (This article is a translation of the above.) Yesterday, I told you that the knowledge of the “spirit world” is the secret for the underworld, and they have been hiding this secret from us people. About the secret of the “spirit world”. The Satanists have been hiding the existence of the “spiritual world” from us people for a long time.RAPT | 「霊界」という奥義について。悪魔崇拝者たちは「霊界」の存在をひたすら我々一般庶民に隠してきました。 (rapt-neo.com) The reason why I noticed this is because I have been reading the Bible a lot. The Bible has a lot to say about the ‘spirit world’. The Bible is the book that contains the secrets of the ‘spiritual world’. But the Christians …

Knowing your Enemies is the most Important Thing you can do to Achieve True Freedom.

What is the enemy for you? Since the Corona scandal, it seems that more and more people are distrustful of the government and the media, which are full of lies. In this context, even those who are aware of the dangers of vaccines and the lies told by the TV and media are being used as pawns in the battle against the other side, the one being the popular conspiracy theories and the alternative news media, because they do not talk about the invisible enemy. And the extremists (far-right) people who believe that the mixed-up information from the other side is the truth. They proudly tell those who listen to …

“Trump is not a Hero” – The Beginning of our Liberation from the Brainwashing Created by Satan through the Illuminati.

In my recent Instagram post, I wrote about a friend’s son who was thinking about getting vaccinated. As I listened to him talk about it as if he wanted me to agree with him, I was reminded of the way my heart used to be before I found the Word of God from RAPT Blog, and for the first time in a long time I felt pain. The pain reminded me of how anxious people are about the future and how they live in conflict with each other in the midst of so much false information. The father of this son knows the dangers of vaccines, so he doesn’t get …

The Connection between Trump, KonMari, Shintoism, New Age Spirituality and Satanism. How the World is Ruled by the Illuminati and their Children.

The Corona pandemic that began in 2020 has revealed much about the fraudulent system created by the Illuminati. However, I feel that the Illuminati’s top secret is still not clear to most people, including those who know that the COVID-19 vaccine is super toxic and should never be ingested. ●What is Corona? ‘Graphene oxide’ is the culprit behind corona symptoms and vaccine side effects.【コロナの正体】「酸化グラフェン」がコロナの症状とワクチンの副作用を生み出す犯人だった | RAPT理論のさらなる進化形 (rapt-plusalpha.com) They blame the vaccine-induced genocide on left-wing figures like Bill Gates and Biden, but they don’t see the contradiction in the right-wing ideology of Trump. I was one of them, but two and a half years ago I came across Rapt blog and …